Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ahhh, that's the good stuff :)

I’ve got MARMITE and MILO. The world is now a better place. I got my first mail today, a letter AND a parcel woop woop! Thanks Hamish :). I spread the marmite on a little thickly, but from now on I'm gonna ration it!

So I’m sitting here feeling rather good, marmite sandwich and cup of milo down the hatch. Ah yes.

Had first Dutch lesson today from 6-9pm. I think Dutch is quite similar to English when its written, but the pronouciation and sounding of letters is compleeeeetely different. It's going to take me a loooong time to get used to it, I keep trying to pronounce words in a Spanish way! Anyway it was great fun, there are lots of neat people in my class, and our teacher/leraar Caroline is pretty neat too. The lessons are very interactive so we do a lot of speaking to eachother, and also we have written activities and computer activities (for pronounciation, we record ourselves and then hear it played back so we can improve and talk like proper Flemish Belgians!) Speaking of which, I have an appointment next week with the Foreigners Registration Office to get my Residence Permit. Yuusss, I will be able to leave the country for Easter without getting arrested on the way back in!

Also got my Belgian bank account sorted today so I’m up and running with that, which is great, seeing as the NZ dollar is doing well against the Euro! I even have this fangled security machine for online banking that I have to put my bank card into before I can log into the internet. I certainly chose the right bank because its free for me but other banks charge 40 euro (80 NZD)!!

Tomorrow I'm going on a more in-depth guided city tour with the Low Countries Studies class (the welcome day was a bit hectic) so that will be good. Also, I am going to (try and stay awake and) go to the Erasmus pub the Porter House for a drink or 2 tomorrow night! I haven't really done that yet so I guess it will be good to have a night out. Thankfully there is no class until 2pm on thursday :)

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