We had an amazing brekky at our hostel, including fresh lemon cake which the hostel owners had baked especially for us. We headed down to the ferry terminal in our typical morning rush, but had some time to wander the pier after the bus had been checked in. We had a good old time watching a couple of seals playing around by the pier.

The ferry trip to the isle of Lewis was amazing. The weather was fantastic and we were all counting our lucky stars for the sunshine. Lewis and Harris are two separate ‘isles’, but are actually parts of the same island.

Hamish in his kiddy pen on the ferry
We stopped off at the town of Stornoway to stock up on groceries, and then made our way to a nice duney beach for a bbq. The guys cooked us an amazing feed of burgers, sausages, bacon, eggs and salad buns for only 1.50 pound each. One of those really great feeds!

Kenny, Derek + 2 swiss army knives = BBQ lunch

Dune jumping

Hello Atlantic Ocean!!

The water was amazingly clear and beautifully coloured - but freezing!
After a really great walk along the beach we headed to our hostel back in Stornoway, where we had a few drinks in a local pub. It was a great relaxing day, really enjoyed chilling out on the beach for a bit.
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