Pleased to announce that we have both been able to get jobs on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, at a hotel resort called Kinloch Lodge (http://www.kinloch-lodge.co.uk/). We have positions as general assistants (waiting, housekeeping etc) and the jobs come with accommodation, food and wi-fi yippee! We start on the 18th August, so will have a week or so to see a bit of the UK on the way up north from London to Skye. Yay Scottish Highlands!!!

Amy arrives in Brussels tomorrow for a 4 day visit, so we are going to meet her there and see Brussels for the day. Then friday we will tour Gent, saturday we will go to visit Brugge and possibly the beach at Oostende. Sunday we will let her rest! The weather is not looking so good though (got soaked today when biked into town). Peculiar Belgian weather!!! Sunny one minute, raining cats, dogs and other miscellaneous animals the next....
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