Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Salud, Gent en België
We're leaving Gent tomorrow morning (!!!) and heading to Maastricht by train. Then staying in Rotterdam for 2 nights, The Hague for 1 night, Amsterdam for 2 nights. Flying to London on the 6th August, train to Scotland on the 7th. Seeing the Edinburgh military tattoo on the 8th, then starting our 7 day tour on the 9th. Arrive at the Isle of Skye on the 18th August and start work on the 19th. Wohooooo!!
I'll miss you, Gent, Vlaanderen, België!
Love to all back home - I hope the weather improves soon!! We will try and keep in touch as much as possible, not sure how often we will be able to check email etc but you can call / text both our NZ numbers (mine will work only in the UK, but mish has global roaming). XXX
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Ieper / Ypres / "Wipers" - This is gonna be a long post...
Yesterday we travelled to Ieper, home of 'Flanders Fields'. Ieper is its Dutch name, Ypres is its English name, and "Wipers" was the name given to the city by Allied soldiers due its obliteration by artillery fire in WWI. It's now a small city near the border with France, and had to be totally rebuilt after the war because it was completely destroyed. The Western Front extended from the Belgian coast right the way down through France to Switzerland, and there were unimaginiable casualties the whole way along it. On the train to Ieper alone we saw so many memorials dotted throughout the countryside.

There were many things we wanted to see in Ieper. Firstly, to visit the NZ memorials (which, unlike other countries, NZ soldiers were buried at the sites where they fell rather than all together), the Flanders Fields museum which is in the Cloth Hall, and also to see the Menin Gate with its nightly Last Post ceremony. We took our faithfull steeds Isobel and Poor Sod on 4 different trains to get there and back, as we had decided to see the memorials by bike. We bought a map for the 'Peace Route' (Vredesroute in Dutch) which is a 45km loop from Ieper to Zonnebeke, Passchendaele, Langemark and back again.

Zonnebeke is the site of 2 NZ cemetaries (along with other Commonwealth soldiers); Polygon Wood and Buttes New British Cemetary. At Passchendaele is the largest Commonwealth cemetary in the world; Tyne Cot (almost 12,000 graves). Also, there is a NZ memorial there ('s Graventafel). So those are the 4 that we set out to see. Also at Langemark is the German memorial and cemetary, but we didn't have time to visit it. Unfortunately we didn't make it to the memorial at Messines to the south of Ieper either, where there is a memorial to the missing.
The Vredesroute was amazing. It consisted mostly of special bike paths through the country-side, with occasional stints along roads. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
The country side was so lovely, its all farms now (crops and beef). You'd never know what had happened there almost a hundred years ago now.
Hamish reports that he has never known a cow to sit like that. It was so strange, a cow just chillin' out, sitting there on hind legs instead of lying down.
Our first stop was at a place known as Hill 60 (photo above). This was the site of the most sustained and savage battles along the Ypres Salient. It is an artificially created hill that was heavily fought over for about 4 years. There is terrible history here, as during this time massive explosives and poisonous gases were introduced as techniques of warfare.
The forest behind these houses is part of an area known as Hill 62 - used as a haven on the edge of the Salient where soliders were sent to rest and recuperate. However, it wasn't used for long as the German line advanced right up to it, and a massive battle took place which resulted in huge Canadian casualties. Hence the road at the back is now called Maple Avenue and is lined with Maple trees in memorium.
This is Buttes New British Cemetary. The Obelisk that you can see in the centre through the trees is for the 5th Australian Division who stormed these woods in 1917. There is also a Greek temple which commemorates the dead of the NZ Division.
The beautiful thing about this particular place was that it was planted in NZ ferns.
Zonnebeke is the site of 2 NZ cemetaries (along with other Commonwealth soldiers); Polygon Wood and Buttes New British Cemetary. At Passchendaele is the largest Commonwealth cemetary in the world; Tyne Cot (almost 12,000 graves). Also, there is a NZ memorial there ('s Graventafel). So those are the 4 that we set out to see. Also at Langemark is the German memorial and cemetary, but we didn't have time to visit it. Unfortunately we didn't make it to the memorial at Messines to the south of Ieper either, where there is a memorial to the missing.
The Vredesroute was amazing. It consisted mostly of special bike paths through the country-side, with occasional stints along roads. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
We then moved across the road to Polygon Wood cemetary.
Our next stop was Essex Farm cemetary, which is also the site where Canadian medic John McRae wrote the famous poem 'In Flanders Fields'.
We then headed back to Ieper which concluded the Peace Route. Our next mission after that was the Menin gate, which is at the eastern entrance of the city. The central city is still surrounded by ramparts (although they were rebuilt after the wall), so the Menin Gate is one of the entrance points to the city. Cars drive through it, but it is closed off each night for the Last Post ceremony.
The Last Post ceremony begins at 8pm every evening, as has done so every single night since 1928. It always occurs inside the Menin Gate, except for one night during WWII when the place was being bombed so they had to relocate to another spot, but they still played. The ceremony is run by the Last Post Association, who organise a team of buglers and also bands to officiate the procedings. Hamish and I were there on day 27,461 of the ceremony. That's so impressive.
After the ceremony, we had a good look around the Menin Gate and also the Ramparts, before catching the very last train home. It was a loooong but very special day for both of us.
I will put all the photos up on my Flickr site (there are a lot) at the end of the month when my upload limit renews - link to the right at the top of this page :) xxx R
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Why oh why would anyone call a city 'Antwerp', I hear you ask? Well, according to folklore, the city got its name from the legend of Antigoon. He was a giant who lived near the river Scheldt (runs through Belgium and the Netherlands) and made everyone who crossed the river pay a toll. If anyone refused to pay, he cut off one of their hands and threw it into the river. Apparently he was eventually killed by a young hero called Brabo, who cut off the giant's hand and threw it into the river. So the Dutch name for Antwerp (Antwerpen), is a mix of the name 'Antigoon' and the Dutch word for hand - werpen.
Anyways, first call of the day was the oldest bakery in town (122 years), to get Hamish some raisin bread. Best bakery EVER. Taaasty bread pudding!!!
Waiting in line to order his bread. It's the store's specialty - brown bread with raisins ('roggeverdommeke'). You can see the loaves on the shelves to the right. The loaf weighed a ton and was very dense - almost like a giant (and very delicious) scone.
I consider myself privileged to have been able to sample the loaf. Mish is nuts about raisins in any kind of baked good, but especially bread.
This is a photo of one of the courtyards at his house. Basically, he became a really rich dude in the 1600's in Antwerp because he had a crowd of talented artists who helped him finish his works, and he was a clever businessman/architect/painter himself. He had a neat Flemish-style house on one side of this courtyard, connected to an Italian-style painting workshop on the other side. There were a lot of famous Flemish art works created from the 1500 - 1800's, and most of the artists learnt their craft in Italy alongside the likes of Michelangelo and da Vinci. Rubens is somewhat of an icon in Antwerp, and apparently was a bit of a character. When his first wife died of the plague he was deeply saddened, so at 46 he married a 16 year old girl to replace her.
Here's Rubens with the Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Kathedraal (Cathedral of Our Lady).
Another neat thing about Antwerp is the pedestrian tunnel which goes underground from one side of the city to the other, underneath the canal!!
Some stats
Long straight tunnel, interspersed with pedestrians and crazy mental cyclists.
We even found a NZ flag in the Grote Markt, with a whole array of flags on the City Hall building across the square, it seemed to be on its own... weird!
Antwerp has a really different atmosphere to the other Flemish cities I've seen so far, I guess because its a bit more open-spaced and glamourous (some CRAZY fashion goin on in that place).
So after a bit of a break to enable digestion, we got around to the sight-seeing. We went to visit Rubenshuis (the house and workshop of the famous Flemish painter known as Rubens).
Another neat thing about Antwerp is the pedestrian tunnel which goes underground from one side of the city to the other, underneath the canal!!
Antwerp has a really different atmosphere to the other Flemish cities I've seen so far, I guess because its a bit more open-spaced and glamourous (some CRAZY fashion goin on in that place).
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