Mish touched down in Egypt! After many frustrating attempts to call him and getting an earful of Arabic, I managed to talk to him. He's pretty overwhelmed by the place at the mo, guns at the airport, pushy people trying to make off with his luggage, the sheer size of the place, and the fact that its 37 degrees!

Some interesting stuff about Cairo; in Arabic the city is called القاهرة (Al-Qāhirah) which means "The Vanquisher" or "The Triumphant". Al-Qahirah is the official name of the city (so no idea why we call it Cairo). It has a population of about 17.285 million people!!! (no wonder he said it looked 'like a never-ending sea of rooftops').

I think he's very brave. Aint no way you'd catch me goin there alone! His tour begins on the 7th June, and he will get to see the Pyramids and the Sphinx, the Valley of the Kings, the tomb of King Ramses II, Mt Sinai, ride camels, play in the sand, all that ridiculously kool stuff we'd all want to do in Egypt :) Go Mish!
nelle he can't be in egypt, its not possible. noone i know has gone to a country without thier own "X in X country/continent". blogspot.com.
hamishinsegypt doesn't work.... whats going on????????
haha yeah dont think he's really the blogging type. but anyway, it would get a bit complicated if it was hamishinegypt/turkey/belgium/europeandtheUK.blogspot.com :D
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