Mmmmm had Hungarian pancakes and French Crepes for dinner last night. Our 2 Hungarian friends made these nice pancakes (or maybe they're crepes, coz they were thin), with a nut-paste filling and gorgeous rich chocolate fudge sauce.... And French crepes with nutella and jam were pprrrreeetttty tasty too! The awesome thing about this was, we had our meal on the top floor solarium of Home Fabiola (one of the student residences), which as you can see is a room of windows basically, and has a great area outside where you get a great view of the city. Neat place to have dinner - on a rooftop!
Earlier we had a very interesting lecture in Low Countries Studies... beginning, living and ending life in Belgium. Belgium and the Netherlands are the only countries in which Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are legal. Also, Belgium, Netherlands and Spain are the only European countries in which gay marriage is legal. And, in Belgium they also allow the creation and experimentation on human embyros for scientific purposes. I'm ok with all that. But apparently the British are trying to pass laws that would allow them to produce chimeras - hybrids of humans and other animals. Now THAT I have a problem with - and I certainly can't see the scientific benefit in such creations. I can see that in the next few years we will be treading on very delicate ground in terms of genetic policies.
In other news, I got an A- overall for my Dutch course. Not brilliant, but I'm happy with that. It was hard!!
Now that Goal 1 of my exchange is nearing completion (finish last semester of law), I'm also trying to work on Goal 2 (participate in as many activities in Belgium as I can). So, this saturday I'm going on a bike trip to a brewery (the Delirium Tremens brewery actually). Hehhehe. And then next weekend I'm going on a bus trip to the Netherlands with Low Countries Studies for only 5 euro! Wohooooo!
Be good xxx
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