Finally got connected yusssss! (I'm dancing the happy dance here).
Had another great day today, the sun is shining and I managed to get lots done. First I plucked up the courage to go into a bank and beg them to let me open an account for the 5 months that I am here, but it turned out to be quite simple, and even free! Other students haven't had as much luck with other banks, but I went for Fortis bank as they are international (so I can use my accounts in the UK woop woop!). Also I went and registered for my Dutch classes which start next week, and run on tuesdays from 6-9pm. It has an exam :( but I do get credits for it (towards my degrees) so it will appear on my academic record. I also registered for Low Countries Studies which is another course for exchange students that teaches us about the culture, history, food, art etc of Belgium and the Low Countries (Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands). Actually 'Nederlands' means 'low lands' so there you go. I'm especially looking forward to the 'Belgian Gastronomy' class (lol!) where we get to cook waffles! It runs on thursday nights from 6:30 - 8pm. So that means I'm taking 6 courses altogether, with my 4 law papers.
Anyway I am very pleased to be online, so ya'll can email me and I will be able to check my emails and reply every day. Also this means I am now on Skype, MSN, and all that jazz. It's so great to be online - now I have my little window back to NZ (for example, right now I am listening to The Rock online!). AND it means no more sitting on the curb outside the Vooruit cafe stealing their wireless! :)
Love to all, no doubt you will be hearing from me soon on Skype. xxx
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